The cats


A passion, the Maine Coon

Zaho is a young male Maine Coon born in May 2015. It’s still a baby. You have to wait a little longer to see how it evolves and decide whether to use it as a  breeding male. The next step is to find a kitten for a future wedding.

The Maine Coon is a medium-haired cat that was discovered in the nineteenth century in the natural state in Maine, on the East Coast of the United States. The race probably developed from cats originated from Europe. Having adapted to the harsh winter conditions of the state of Maine, they have become representative of the barn cats/farm cats of the region, solid, rustic and formidable rodent hunters. For this reason, they were present in the local exhibitions of Farmers’ Institute in the middle of the 19th century.

The Maine Coon is a large cat with large ears, broad breasts, strong bones and muscles, a rectangular body and a long well-formed tail. The fur, which has uneven length on the back and on the sides, offers good natural protection. The Maine Coon grows slowly, this cat is only about 3 years old. This slow growth causes a lengthening of the body with an apparently shorter tail. Females are smaller than males. The male cat presents an evolution characterized by a “burst” of the head, ears more inclined, appearing lower and smaller. The body is rectangular, the length of the hair is irregular, all the traditional colors are recognized except chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn, and pattern color point. (Extract MCCF)